Our Team


Experienced, Innovative, Results-Oriented

Our Team

Executive Team 

Mike Block

Mike Block

Chief Executive Officer

Andy Schultheiss

Andy Schultheiss

Chief Development & Communications Officer

Sandy Halin-Adams

Sandy Halin-Adams

Chief Financial Officer

Spencer Downing

Spencer Downing

Chief Supportive Services Officer

Meagan Randall

Meagan Randall

Chief Program Officer

Management Team

Molly Bardou

Molly Bardou

Interim Director of Shelter Services

Mike Rauer

Mike Rauer

Director of Facilities

Chris Byrne

Chris Byrne

Permanent Supportive Housing Program Manager

Amelia Sneden

Amelia Sneden

Permanent Supportive Housing Program Manager

Tim Schaaf

Tim Schaaf

Client Services Manager

Hap Pitkin

Hap Pitkin

Development & Grants Manager

Tracy Smith

Tracy Smith

Human Resource Manager

Marybeth Bannon

Marybeth Bannon

Kitchen Manager

Lily Brown-Johnson

Lily Brown-Johnson

Volunteer Program Manager

Ilana Langsam

Ilana Langsam

Revenue & Data Integration Manager

Sandy Sincek

Sandy Sincek

Communications and Online Content Manager

Rob Rowe

Rob Rowe

Program Staff Supervisor






All Roads also has many dedicated Program Staff, Support Staff and Case Managers who not only provide support and care to the people in our programs, but also ensure the programs remain open and operational year-round. Without all of our staff, this work could not get done!