Tax Break for Donors

About The Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit 

Created by Colorado House Bill 2022 – 1083 (HB22-1083), the Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit provides a tax credit to Colorado taxpayers who contribute to eligible homelessness related projects within Colorado.

The Tax Credit encourages donors to support local nonprofits that are providing valuable services to those experiencing homelessness. The Boulder Shelter qualifies under this requirement. Any donation to the Shelter over $100 qualifies for the credit, although you have to make sure you follow the steps listed below.  The more you donate, the bigger your tax break!


How much can I claim?

How much I can claim?*

Tax benefits are: 25% of your donation (monetary or value or in-kind) as a state income tax credit for gifts of over $100 in cash or above $5,000 in in-kind donations (stocks, bonds, and other). Individual taxpayers may receive up to $100,000 in credit per year.

*All Roads does not offer Tax advice. Please speak  with your Tax Advisor for details on how this Tax Credit applies to your individual situation.

How do I claim the credit?

Note: Unfortunately, gifts from Donar Advised Funds are not currently eligible for this credit.

1) Make your donation of more than $100 to the shelter through our website, the Shelter’s  page on the Colorado Gives Day portal, another third party provider, or by check.

2) Important!  You must register your contribution through the state’s Donor Salesforce Platform. There is a helpful video that shows how to use the platform. Be sure to follow the guidelines in the Formatting and Style Guide, (link below), when entering your information.

Note: The last four digits of your social security number will be required when you register your donation. The Data Privacy section of Colorado State’s HCTC Taxpayer Handbook, (link below), explains this requirement and how your personal information is secured.

3) All Roads will certify your donations to the state after January 1st.

4) Once your contribution is certified by us, DOLA, (Department of Local Affairs) will send you an email containing your certificate by the end of February. You will use this certificate to claim your credit when you file your taxes. Note: You must file your taxes electronically in order to receive the tax credit.

5) If you forgot to input your information into the Salesforce platform before February 1, please contact

Helpful links for completing this process:

Formatting and Style Guide ( you must follow this entering your information on the Donor Salesforce Platform).

The HCTC Taxpayer Handbook

Taxpayer Salesforce User Guide 

I have more questions - where can I get more info?

The program is administered by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs*

For further information, visit the website at

*All Roads does not offer Tax advice. Please speak  with your Tax Advisor for details on how this Tax Credit applies to your individual situation.

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