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Whoever you are, we help you find your way home
Coordinated Entry
Are you an adult, (18 or older), experiencing homelessness in Boulder County?
Coordinated Entry is designed to be the ‘front door’ to Boulder County’s homeless service system. This is a required step for anyone seeking homeless-related services! Coordinated Entry locations are available in both the City of Boulder and Longmont.
Boulder Contact Info: Call 303-579-4404 – or walk up in person, at the All Roads Shelter, 4869 Broadway, Boulder, CO. Mon – Fri: 9am-3pm.
Longmont Contact Info: Call (720) 453-6096 M-F (12-7pm) or walk-in: M, T, Th, F (12-5pm) at HOPE – 804 S. Lincoln St, Longmont, CO. Weds. 12-5pm 1335 Francis St. Longmont, CO
What happens at Coordinated Entry? You will meet with a staff person and complete a brief assessment. Based on the information gathered through the assessment you will be referred to the local service provider that can best support your needs. Services include shelter, help identifying housing options, basic-needs services, case management, referrals to other community providers and more.
Note: You must call at least 30 minutes before they close, at either location, to have time to complete the assessment.
What if I need shelter after Coordinated Entry hours?
Entrada Coordinada
¿Es usted un adulto (mayor de 18 años) que se encuentra sin vivienda y busca servicios para personas sin hogar en el condado de Boulder?
El programa “Entrada Coordinada/Coordinated Entry” está diseñada para ser la «puerta de entrada» al sistema de servicios para personas sin hogar del condado de Boulder. Es un paso obligatorio para cualquier persona que busque servicios relacionados con la situación de las personas sin hogar. Las ubicaciones de Entrada Coordinada están disponibles tanto en la ciudad de Boulder como en Longmont.
Información de contacto en Boulder: Llame al 303-579-4404 o llegue al refugio All Roads, 4869 Broadway, Boulder, CO. De lunes a viernes de 9am-3pm.
Información de contacto en Longmont : Llame al (720) 453-6096 L-V (12-7pm) o llegue sin cita: Lunes, Martes, Jueves, y Viernes (12-5pm) en HOPE – 804 S.Lincoln St, Longmont, CO
Miercoles 12-5pm 1335 Francis St. Longmont, CO
Se reunirá con un empleado de el refugio y completará una evaluación breve. Con la información obtenida en la evaluación, se le referirá al proveedor de servicios local que mejor pueda atender sus necesidades. Los servicios incluyen alojamiento, ayuda para identificar opciones de vivienda, servicios de necesidades básicas, administración de casos, referencias a otros proveedores de la comunidad, y más.
Nota: Debe llamar al menos 30 minutos antes de que cierren, en cualquiera de las dos ubicaciones, para tener tiempo de completar la evaluación.
¿Qué pasa si necesito refugio fuera del horario de Entrada Coordinada?
Puede ir al Refugio All Roads (4869 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304). Nuestro horario de entrada es de 5:00pm a 7:00pm. Podrá quedarse una noche y luego se le pedirá que complete la evaluación de Entrada Coordinada para recibir servicios adicionales, incluyendo refugio nocturno.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access All Roads Services?
Those seeking services must first go through the Coordinated Entry Screening. See Coordinated Entry, above.
How can I get between downtown Boulder and the All Roads Shelter?
How can I reach someone staying at the All Roads Shelter?
The names of residents who stay at the shelter are kept confidential. Anyone wishing to contact someone they believe to be staying at the shelter may call the resident voice mail box at 303-468-4324 and leave a message that will be posted, or they may call the Shelter’s main number at 303-442-4646 and a Shelter staff member will take a message and post it.
Where do Shelter residents go during the day?
The All Roads Shelter is open during the day as well as providing overnight services.
Where is the All Roads Shelter located?
Please see Map & Directions section below
Can I bring my children to the Shelter to stay?
We love children, but unfortunately the Shelter is not a place for young people to stay. There are other resources in the City and County you might explore. Feel free to contact us.
Map & Directions
Community Resources
In addition to the services provided by the shelter, these agencies offer many types of services for residents of Boulder County. For a complete up-to-date, printable Community Resources List Click Here.
Recursos Comunitarios.
TGTHR (formerly Attention Homes) Emergency Shelter
3080 N. Broadway
5:30pm-9:30am M-F, 5:30pm-10:30am Sat & Sun
Daytime drop-in resource center for 12-24 year olds, open every day from 12:30-5:00PM. They also offer an overnight shelter for 12-20 year olds open every night at 5:00 PM.
TGTHR Drop-In Day Center – The Source
12:30-5pm Mon-Sun
Access to showers, hygiene products, food, clothing, education, medical care and other supportive services for youth 12-24.
Longmont—location changes nightly
Twenty-five beds for adults on winter nights mid-November thru mid-March or when weather conditions are met. Hosted by rotation of community congregations. There is an interview and application process.
Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA)
1575 Yarmouth Avenue
M/Tu/Th/F 9:30am-4:30pm, Wed 12-4:30pm
Rent & utility assistance to needy families, the elderly and disabled. Short term housing and services to support families. Intake with caseworker needed to use services.
Safe House Progressive Alliance for Non-Violence
24 hour crisis line: 303.444.2424
Serves victims of domestic violence, providing safe shelter, legal assistance, education and counseling. Intake needed, call for information.
H.O.P.E.—Homeless Outreach Providing Encouragement
- Outreach Center: 804 S. Lincoln Street, Longmont, 80501
- M,T, Th, Fr 12-5pm
Mobile outreach unit providing emergency supplies and transport to shelter in all conditions, overnight shelter, safe parking, and more.
Clinica Family Health Services (People’s Clinic)
2525 13th Street
Drop in Tuesday 8:00-10:30, Thursday 2:00-4:00
Primary care medical practice for Boulder’s underserved.
Emergency services at Foothills campus
4747 Arapahoe Avenue
4155 Darley Avenue Boulder
877 South Boulder Road Louisville
1775 Princess Drive Longmont
Oral health care and outreach for low income and uninsured residents of Boulder and Broomfield counties. Accepts Medicaid and CHP+.
Mental Health Partners/Ryan Wellness Center
1000 Alpine
Emergency Psychiatric Services 24-hour line 303.447.1665
Counseling services, onsite pharmacy.
Addiction Rehab Resources in Colorado
Comprehensive listing of addiction rehab facilities by city in Colorado.
Mental Health Partners/Addiction Recovery
3180 Airport Road
24-hour Walk-in Crisis Center and Addiction Recovery, detoxification and both in- and outpatient substance abuse treatment services.
2118 14th Street Boulder
HIV prevention education and care services including case management, housing assistance, support groups and advocacy to residents of Boulder county. Free needle exchange M-F, 2-5pm
Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services
3400 Broadway
SNAP (food stamps), TANF, Medicaid, countywide rental assistance, public housing and housing support services to low-income families, seniors, veterans and people with disabilities. Child welfare services, family driven intervention and prevention services for families in crisis, foster care and adoption services.
4800 N. Broadway Boulder
Providing affordable, high quality housing options to Boulder residents.
6000 Spine Rd., #101
Affordable homes, inexpensive rentals and low-income housing in Boulder and Longmont.
515 Kimbark Street, Suite 107, Longmont
Transitional housing and associated services to homeless individuals and families with the goals of helping them achieve self-sufficiency.
Community Table Dinners: Monday – Friday 4:45 – 6:00pm @Grace Commons Annex – 1603 Walnut in Boulder
Ready to Work Program: Paid transitional work as a stepping stone to mainstream employment. Transitional housing available. Commitment to a 9 – 12 month program with supportive services.
Trinity Lutheran Church (2200 Broadway, Boulderr).
Free clothing bank, 9.30-10.30am Thursdays.
4830 Pearl St., Boulder
Supplemental food pantry for clients with and without kitchens.
Those with kitchens can shop weekly, M-F 9-11am & Th Eve 4:30-6:30pm. Those without kitchens are invited to shop daily, M-F 12-2pm.
650 S. Taylor Avenue Louisville
Boulder and Broomfield counties’ primary food pantry. Offers assistance to families and provides food to smaller organizations and food pantries.
Sister Carmen Community Center
655 Aspen Ridge Road, Lafayette
Mon-Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm (closed 12-1 for lunch)
Food pantry, rent, utility, security deposit, prescription assistance, clothing, transportation and case management to residents of Louisville, Lafayette, Erie and Superior.
220 Collyer St., Longmont
Drop-in Mon-Sun for emergency food and supplies, breakfast, lunch, clothing bank for residents of greater Longmont area. Call to schedule an appointment for rent and utility assistance, housing and employment referrals, family law resources, substance abuse, health care, mobility and dental health access.
4999 Pearl East Circle Suite 106 Boulder
Submits claims for benefits to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Open M-F 7:00am-5:00pm.
5755 Central Ave., Boulder
515 Coffman, Longmont
Offers a variety of services to job seekers including computer access, printing, fax, phones, workshops, search assistance and job placement.
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
4875 Pearl East Circle Suite 301, Boulder
351 Coffman, Ste. 216, Longmont
Assists people with disabilities prepare for, obtain and maintain work.