Outreach designed to focus on housing outcomes as the primary objective while providing information on other community services.

All Roads Housing Focused Outreach

The Housing Focused Outreach program goal is to engage and build relationships with people experiencing homelessness, to share All Road’s housing access expertise, and assist with connecting people to housing resources so as many of our community’s unsheltered neighbors find a home as soon as possible.

The team visits locations with high incidence of camping and impactful behavior in public spaces. In addition to their focus on housing outcomes, the Outreach team also engages with individuals experiencing homelessness about the following subjects:

  • Provide supportive services including shelter opportunities, Coordinated Entry, housing assessments, vital document acquisition and connections to other benefits and services, as applicable to each person.
  • Informing people of the camping ordinances, the possibility of enforcement, and available services for sheltering or assistance.

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